CPCCLRG3002 – Licence to perform rigging intermediate level 25/08/2025


This unit specifies the skills and knowledge required to safely perform intermediate rigging work.

Riggers use mechanical load shifting equipment and associated gear to move, place or secure loads, including plant, equipment or members of a building or structure. Riggers ensure the stability of those members and set up and dismantle cranes and hoists.

This unit includes rigging work involving:

  • hoists with jibs and self-climbing hoists
  • cranes, conveyors, dredges and excavators
  • tilt slabs
  • demolition of structures or plant
  • multiple lifts.

Rigging work is undertaken in construction and other industries where load shifting equipment is used to move, place or secure loads.

Completion of the general construction induction training program, specified in the Safe Work Australia model Code of Practice: Construction Work, is required by anyone carrying out construction work. Achievement of CPCCWHS1001 Prepare to work safely in the construction industry meets this requirement.

Competence in this unit does not in itself result in a licence. A licence is obtained after competence is assessed under applicable Commonwealth, state or territory work health and safety (WHS) regulations.